Tuesday, December 23, 2008


 那年你18岁,我16岁。你离开了村子去外坡念书。临行前我送你一只亲手编织的蜻蜓锁匙扣。你说你会把它扣在你的摩托车匙上,就像载着我穿梭在异乡的街道上。那时候手机是遥不可及的梦想,我们只靠书信联系彼此,偶尔才会通上一两通奢侈的长途电话。我总是一遍又一遍读着你的来信,看着你诙谐的漫画,分享着你在外生活的点点滴滴。蓦然发觉,自己是多么地想念着你。想念你阳光的笑容,想念你温暖的大手,想念和你一起度过的美好时光。曾经许诺的友情,在那一刻,渐渐起了变化。终于按捺不住,在一通电话里,我问你还当我是妹妹吗?你没有回答,只是饶有深意地说很快我就会知道答案了。那是一个飘着圣诞乐得12月。天使没有来报佳音,却把你给带走了。你的室友说不晓得为何那天下午你执意要骑车出去,要不然你也不会出事。你习佛多年的妈妈,悲伤地诉说,应该是天意吧你原本打算前天回家乡过节却因为临时有事情要办所以延后行程!我望着你的照片,你的笑容依旧灿烂,充满着朝气,不敢相信你已经永远睡去。我以为再也不会知道你的答案,直到收到那一张圣诞卡。信封上是我熟悉的你的字迹。拆开后,卡片的封面是一片白皑皑的雪地,一个胖胖的雪人正对着我笑弯弯。打开内页,耳边响起了“白色圣诞”。我的眼泪簌簌地往下落,落在衣襟上,卡片上,沾湿了你俊秀的字迹。那是你的答案, 只有区区8个字。

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Attitude does matter

I was trying very hard to hold my laughter back after hearing those conversations. While i was in the queue for ordering in McD last Saturday, there's a lady behind me, dressed up in all branded clothes carrying a LV handbag. It was crowded because this McD located along the KL-Seremban and it was lunch hour. Moreover, the following Monday was Hari Raya Haji therefore quite a lot of people travelled back their hometown. Though it was crowded and the queue was long but there was only 2 counter for ordering. We waited and waited, patiently. I overheard the conversation between the LV bag lady with her family. I guess they are Singaporean from their accent. Then, the following incident supported my prediction. I was at the counter waiting to collect my food after i placed my order. The McD worker was a Malay guy. He asked the lady behind me for order, in Malay. The lady was blank at first, then she quickly placed her order in English. She was ordering Mcvalue set. Then the story began...
"Besar atau sederhana?"
"Besar atau sederhana?"
I was trying to help so i butt in.
"He is asking whether you'd like to have a medium or large Mcvalue set." I said.
"There is only one size for Mcvalue set." The lady replied.
'We have two sizes here." i replied.
"Got two sizes meh?"She asked again.
'There's only one size lar." She insisted.
Then i kept quiet, trying so hard not to laugh or to say TNS. The long queue behind her started to make noise. Then the man behind her, spoke.
"There might be only one size in Singapore but here is Malaysia."
And the man is her husband.
So she finally accepted that there were two sizes for Mcvalue set in Malaysia.
I saw relief faces behind her, as everyone was trying to fill their empty stomach so eagerly.
Do we need to be that particular?
Maybe the people from advance country do.
Then on the way back, i stopped at the Restoren jejantas for a break. Andrew went to reload his touch-n-g0 while i was waiting in the car. There's no parking so i just parked at the roadside while waiting. Then i saw a Toyota Wish, slowed down beside my car. If you have been to the Restoren jejantas you may imagine the floor plan. At both sides are the parking, then the cars waiting (such as mine), park behind the cars in the car parks. So the middle lane is spacious for other cars to pass by. But this Toyota Wish, blocked the middle lane. At first i thought it was waiting for the carpark cos it's giving left signal. I was ready to remove my car if i blocked any cars coming out. But after 5 minutes, nothing happened. No car was coming out. The the cars behind the Toyota Wish were bypassing it carefully. There's room enough to fit a bus in front of my car for the Toyota Wish to park if it wanted to do so. But it prefer to stay in the middle and blocking every car. To my surprise, for every 10 cars passing by, only 2 honked at it. Then i started to praise how polite and patience our people have become. If the same situation happened in KL, or PJ, your mirror might break due to the nonstop high-pitch honking noise + uncountable middle fingers and f**ks. Suddenly the Toyota started to reverse. I wondered what it was trying to do then i saw there was a car coming out from the carpark at its right hand site about 2 cars away from it. Yes. It was trying to get that carpark. OMG! make sense lar please. This is one-way lane. There's long queue of cars behind it and it still wanted to reverse. Okay never mind u can do it if no car is waiting for the carpark. But actually, there's a car waiting for the parking, right behind it, giving the right hand signal. Furthermore, the Toyota was still giving the left-signal! I really beh tahan this driver's attitude. I looked through the windows, the driver was a man, with a lady besides him i guess his wife and somebody sitting at the back, i think his children. Of course, he failed to get the parking. Then he moved his car forward and stopped right in front of me which led me a chance to look at the car no plate. Not to my surprise, it started with a S. Perhaps the cars behind had lost their patience and started honking. Then only he drove away slowly. What a selfish driver!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


今天凌晨一时许,我还在看书,忽然听到一阵阵像是倒沙石,又像是玻璃破裂的声音。我还以为邻家进贼,往窗外看去,却没看到任何可疑人物。我心想可能是外面的大街在修路吧!可是这声音越来越响,我也开始嗅到烧焦味。再往窗外看去,天空隐约有火光。当时第一个念头,就想到失火了。我赶紧跑出门外探个究竟。只见对面的房子被火光映的通红,空气中弥漫着强烈的烧焦味。原来是对街的家私城失火了。熊熊大火吞噬着至少6间展列室,火光映红了凌晨的天空,伴随着滚滚浓烟。刚才听到的声音,原来是展列室的橱窗玻璃承受不了高温而破裂的声音。邻居们都聚集在路口议论纷纷,担心火势会蔓延到对街来。忽然有人说:“家私城隔壁不是有一个油站吗?会不会烧到那边呀?”大家更加忧心忡忡了。风势助长了火势的蔓延,转眼整列展列室便没入了火光之中。虽然隔了4个车道,我仍能感觉到大火所散发的高温。消防车陆续抵达。警察开始封路以便救火。面对这凶猛的火势,消防员那一道道水柱根本发挥不了任何作用,只能眼睁睁看着火舌狂舞。终于在烧完全部能烧的东西后(至少我是这么觉得),火势慢慢转弱了。此时消防员的水柱也发挥功效,努力的扑灭余火。短短的一个小时,整列展列室便成了废墟。幸好并没造成任何人命伤亡 (这也是听说的)。到现在想起这场骇人的火灾,仍然心有余悸。